Dipartimento di Fisica "G. Galilei" Università degli Studi di Padova

Stiamo riscontrando problemi tecnici alle apparecchiature meteo.
I sensori verranno ripristinati il più presto possibile... ci scusiamo per il disagio.

We're currently experiencing technical issues at meteo devices.
The devices will be fixed as soon as possible... sorry for the inconvenience.

Dipartimento di Fisica
Galileo Galilei

Temperature: -17.8 C
Wind Chill: -17.8 C
Heat Index: -17.8 C
Dewpoint: -100000.0 C
Humidity: 0 %
Barometer: 0.0  mb ~
Wind: N  at   0.0  mph
High Wind: 0.0 mph at 10:45
Recent Avg Wind: 0.0 mph
Recent Beaufort Scale: Calm
Today's Rain: 0.00  mm
Rain Rate: 0.00  mm/h
High Rain Rate: 0.00 mm/h at -----
Storm Total: 0.00  mm
Monthly Rain: 0.00  mm
Yearly Rain (JAN): 0.00  mm
Air Density: -103770.715  kg/m^3
Est. Cumulus Base: 6949440  m
High Temperature: -17.8 C at 10:45
Low Temperature: -17.8 C at 10:45
High Heat Index: -17.8 C at 10:45
Low Wind Chill: -17.8 C at 10:45
High Humidity: 0 % at 10:45
Low Humidity: 0 % at 10:45
High Dewpoint: -100000.0 C at -----
Low Dewpoint: 555537.8 C at -----
High Barometer: 0.0 mb at 10:45
Low Barometer: 0.0 mb at 10:45
Padova,Italy Weather
45.1 N - 11.8 E - 5 m
11/14/24 13:42:33
Sunrise:07:10 - Sunset:16:45 - Moon:Waxing 97% Full

Climatological Summaries: 
Browse Archive Records: 

0 years, 0 months, 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 51 seconds wviewweather.com wview 5.21.7 WXT510 (/dev/ttyS0)